Meet our New Business Owners

Congratulations to our new

business owners

We sincerely wish them well in their new businesses!

-Calvin & Lan - "A text book transition"

Your organization ensured a smooth settlement

Your service and sense of humor will be a winner

-Nicole & Tom -We are sure your polite friendly approach will win friends!

-Varun & Jagdeep- Customers will appreciate your professional approach.... with a smile!

(Gino in the middle wishing new owners Varun and Jagdeep well !)

-Mark and Sarah- Your welcoming smile and your enthusiastic friendly approach will work wonders !

-Jamie- Your solid commitment and

enthusiasm to regenerate the

business in a considered manner

will pay dividends!

-Fei and Amy-

Your careful attention to detail , high standards together

with being an enthusiastic young couple... a sure recipe for success in your new business!


Your quiet frirendly approach will win many customers

over as you develop your new business LPO Lotto News-agency !

-David and Natalie-

Your attention to detail and professional approach will pay dividends as you develop your new LPO business !

Atul and Nina

Your success is ensured with your attention to detail and service to customers

Fiducee and Harun

Customers will appreciate your professional friendly approach

Alicia and Greg

A winning team!

What more can you say !

New Upgrade looks outstanding!


We are sure your experience and energy will pay dividends!


Your reliable professional approach will be appreciated by your customers!


Your welcoming smile will win friends and customers alike !

-Lanny and Eric-

Well done..Fantastic upgrade !

Philip Marshall Mob 0412786740

Chris Marshall Mob 0412514429

Office Tel 08-83321166

An in depth “Business Profile” is available for most businesses we have for sale however due to their sensitive nature, a confidentiality agreement is required.

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